Fan-in and Fan-out

In this section we'll talk about how to connect one upstream stage to several downstream stages, known as fan-out, and several upstream stages to one downstream stage, known as fan-in.

Let's start with a simple example of fan-out, where we connect one upstream stage to two downstream stages.

import cats.effect.IO
import fs2.Stream

val data = Stream(1, 2, 3, 4)
val a = data.evalMap(a => IO.println(s"a: $a"))
val b = data.evalMap(b => IO.println(s"b: $b"))

What do you think happens when the following is run? Take a guess before trying out the code.


You should see output like the below.

b: 1
b: 2
b: 3
b: 4

Notice that the a branch does not run. Did you expect this behaviour?

The simple reason that we see output from b but not from a is that we didn't run a. When we call b.compile.drain.unsafeRunSync() this creates demand on b, which in turns creates demand on stages upstream of b. As a is not upstream of b it has no demand and hence does not run. There is a lesson from this: if you're not thinking about how you do fan-in and fan-out you're probably doing it wrong.

Let's start with fan-in. FS2 provides several ways to express fan-in:

Write a stream sink that uses one of the methods above to express fan-in of a and b. What do you think you'll see when you run sink? Does the actual output match your expectations?

In our example both a and b have the same type (Unit) and order doesn't seem important. So I chose merge.

val sink = a.merge(b)

The output of



a: 1
b: 1
a: 2
b: 2
a: 3
b: 3
a: 4
b: 4

so we can see that both a and b receive all the values from data.

Now let's look at the example of fan-in below. It's a modification of our previous example where we have an effectful source, which generates random data.

import cats.effect.IO
import fs2.Stream
import scala.util.Random

val source = Stream.eval(IO(Random.nextDouble())).repeat
val a = source.evalMap(a => IO.println(s"a: $a"))
val b = source.evalMap(b => IO.println(s"b: $b"))

val sink = a.merge(b)

What do you think you'll see when the following is run? Will a and b both see the same values? How many times will each run?

// We use take(4) to avoid running forever

Here's some example output I saw when I ran the code.

b: 0.7958715143801504
a: 0.0859159273103528
b: 0.7907351218379188
a: 0.7568956320150807
b: 0.16689974459747392
a: 0.2762585354975654

Notice that a and b saw different data!