Quick Start

In this section we'll go through a quick example that illustrates all the major features of Krop.

Project Template

To get started, create a project from the Krop project template.

sbt new creativescala/krop-fullstack.g8

This will prompt you for a few values then create a project for you. Change into the directory it created, and run sbt. Now within sbt run the command

backend / run

This will start the server. Visit http://localhost:8080/ to see the masterpiece you have just created.

Manual Setup

If you don't want to use the project template above, the steps for using Krop are:

  1. Add the Krop dependency to your project's dependencies.

    libraryDependencies += "org.creativescala" %% "krop-core" % "0.8.0"
  2. Fork when running the server, otherwise the server's socket will not released when the server finishes.

    run / fork := true 
  3. (Optional) Configure Krop so it runs in development mode.

    run / javaOptions += "-Dkrop.mode=development"
  4. (Optional) Add a logging backend.

    libraryDependencies += "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.5.6" % Runtime 


To start using Krop you need to import the core Krop library. A single import is all you need.

import krop.all.{*, given}
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