Javascript Backend

The Javascript backend uses xterm.js, which allows terminal applications to be embedded in websites. It's what is used for all the examples in this documentation. Running in the web browser means there are some differences from standard terminal applications, but the majority of the Terminus interface stays the same.

Running a Terminal

When running a Terminal you need to provide the ID of a DOM element where you want the terminal mounted. For example, if you have the following within a web page

<div id="terminal"></div>

you would construct a Terminal with the following."id"){ 
  // Terminal code here

There are optional arguments to specify the number of rows and columns the terminal occupies."id", rows = 24, cols = 80){ 
  // Terminal code here

User Input

User input is asynchronous in the web browser, so the normal Reader interface doesn't work. Instead, Terminus provides a readKey method, which returns a Future[String], where the String is the key from a DOM KeyboardEvent.

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