The Simplest Parser
We're going to start by building the most simplest parser library we can: a parser that parses a single fixed string.
We're going to create a type Parser[A]
, where the type parameter A
is the type of the result produced by a successful parse. So, for example, a Parser[String]
will produce a String
on a successful parse, and a successful parse by a Parser[Album]
will produce an Album
To actually perform the parsing we'll have a method
Parser[A].parse(input: String): Result[A]
In words, a Parser[A]
has a method parse
that accepts a String
and returns a Result[A]
What's a Result[A]
? On a successful parse it will contain a value of type A
and any remaining unparsed input. Otherwise we'll have an error. We'll get into the details later.
We'll need a way to create Parsers
. Our very simple constructor will take a String
as input and return a Parser[String]
that succeeds if the input starts with exactly that string.
Let's sketch out in Scala what we have so far. We're using a trait
to represent Parser
for now, but we'll change that as the design evolves.
trait Parser[A] {
def parse(input: String): Result[A]
object Parser {
def string(value: String): Parser[String]
When we've finished the implementation we'll be able to create a parser like so:
Parser.string("Ziggy Stardust")
This will successful parse a String
that starts with "Ziggy Stardust"
but fail if the String
starts with anything else.
The Result Type
Now we can flesh out the implementation. We'll start with Result
. We previously described it as:
- on a successful parse it will contain a value of type
and any remaining unparsed input; otherwise - we'll have an error.
This immediately suggests an algebraic data type like
sealed trait Result[A]
final case class Success[A](result: A, remaining: String) extends Result[A]
final case class Failure[A](reason: String, input: String) extends Result[A]
However, for efficiency concerns we'll use a slightly different representation. If our input is "hello there"
and we parse "hello"
, the remaining input is " there"
. To create this String
we have to copy all the characters from the original input, which takes time proportional to the number of characters remaining. When parsing large input this copying can take a significant amount of time. Instead of copying input we can just record the index of character at which parsing should resume. Character indices start at 0, so in this case parsing should resume at character 5. Now we don't have to do a lot of copying; we can instead just pass around an Int
This gives us the following representation:
/** Indicates the result of a parse. */
sealed trait Result[A]
/** The parse succeeded.
- result is the parsed value
- input is the input that was parsed
- offset is the index of where any remaining input starts. */
final case class Success[A](result: A, input: String, offset: Int) extends Result[A]
/** The parse failed.
- reason is a description of why the parser failed
- input is the input that the parser attempted to parse
- start is the index into input of where the parser started from */
final case class Failure[A](reason: String, input: String, start: Int) extends Result[A]
Implementing the Parser
Now we have created Result
we can finish the implementation of Parser
. Read the code below and I'll then explain the implementation.
sealed trait Parser[A] {
import Parser._
def parse(input: String): Result[A] = {
def loop[A](parser: Parser[A], index: Int): Result[A] =
parser match {
case ParserString(value) =>
if (input.startsWith(value, index))
Success(value, input, index + value.size)
s"input did not start with $value at index $index",
loop(this, 0)
object Parser {
final case class ParserString(value: String) extends Parser[String]
def string(value: String): Parser[String] = ParserString(value)
Before we get into the implementation let's check that it actually works. Here's an example of succesful and unsuccessful parsing.
Parser.string("Hello").parse("Hello there")
// res2: Result[String] = Success(
// result = "Hello",
// input = "Hello there",
// offset = 5
// )
Parser.string("Goodbye").parse("Hello there")
// res3: Result[String] = Failure(
// reason = "input did not start with Goodbye at index 0",
// input = "Hello there",
// start = 0
// )
Now we're satisfied that it works, let's talk about how it works. We can see that Parser
is an algebraic data type, with ParserString
as it's single case. parse
is a structural recursion on Parser
. As we're dealing with indices we need to know at what index we should start looking at the input. That is why we have the loop
helper inside parser
, which implements the actual structural recursion. In the case of ParserString
we simply see if the input
starts with the String
we're looking for. If so, we succeed. Otherwise we fail.
I've described how it works, but why did I decide to implement the code in this way? There is a pattern behind this code, which we'll look at now.
Reified Interpreters
The Parser
is an example of a reified interpreter. Let's talk about interpreters first, and then talk about reification.
An interepreter means that there are two parts to our implementation:
- the part that describes what we want to do, which we call the program; and
- the part that carries out the description, which is the interpreter.
In this case ParserString
is the program. It represents the action we want to carry (look for a particular String
in the input) and the String
we should be looking for. The interpreter is in the parse
method, where we actually go looking for the String
in the input.
We've seen this pattern in other context, so it should be familiar.
There are a number of different ways to implement an interpreter. The one I've chosen is known as a deep embedding or reification. Reification means to make concrete something that was abstract. Concretely, in this case we're turning a method (Parser.string
) into data (ParserString
The general reification pattern works as follows:
- We divide methods into three classes: constructors, combinators, and interpreters.
- We reify constructors and combinators into an algebraic data type.
- We implement interpreters as structural recursions over the algebraic data type we just created.
Constructors, combinators, and interpreters are the three classes of methods that make up what we call an algebra. In this case Parser
is our algebra. We distinguish the three classes of methods as follows:
- A method that goes from something that is not our algebra to our algebra is a constructor.
- A combinator is any method that takes in our algebra as parameter (often the hidden
parameter) and returns our same algebra. - An interpreter takes in our algebra and returns something of a different type.
(Note that sometimes we have interpreter methods that take in and return the algebra type. We'll see one later.)
With this classification we can see that:
is a constructor, because it goes from aString
to aParser[String]
.- There are no combinators, yet.
is an interpreter, because it goes from aParser[A]
to aResult[A]
Let's now talk about the specifics of reification. Remember that we reify every constructor and combinator. To do so we create a final case class
for each method that we're reifying, and:
- The constructor parameters of the
final case class
are exactly the parameters of the corresponding method. Remember to include thethis
parameter for methods on atrait
. - The
final case class
extends exactly the return type of the method.
In the case of Parser.string
there is one parameter and method returns a Parser[String]
. Hence ParserString
has a single constructor parameter of type String
and it extends Parser[String]
Once we have reified to an algebraic data type the interpreter uses the familiar pattern of structural recursion. As is usual in functional programming we have a fancy term for what is ultimately a simple idea.