The doodle.core
package provides utilities, such as Color and Point, that are generally useful.
In this section we just cover the most important uses. You should see the index for details.
// You definitely want doodle.core
import doodle.core.*
// You probably also want extension methods
import doodle.syntax.all.*
The Angle type represents an angle, as the name suggests.
Most of the time you'll create Angles
using the extension methods shown below. Degrees and radians should be familiar, but turns may not be. One turn corresponds to a full circle (i.e. 360 degrees), so using turns in a convenient way to represent simple fractions or multiples of circles.
0.5.turns // One turn is a full circle, so this is half a circle
There are various methods to perform arithmetic on angles. Here are some examples. See the Angle API for a complete list.
(45.degrees + 45.degrees) < 180.degrees
// res3: Boolean = true
(45.degrees * 2) < 90.degrees
// res4: Boolean = false
180.degrees - 0.5.turns
// res5: Angle = Angle(0.0)
Other useful methods are calculating the sine and cosine of an angle, and normalizing an angle to between zero and 360 degrees.
// res6: Double = 1.2246467991473532E-16
// res7: Double = -1.0
2.turns.normalize == 1.turns
// res8: Boolean = true
Working with Color is something that most images will do. There are two representations of color used in Doodle:
- lightness, chroma, and hue (OkLCh); and
- red, green, and blue (RGB).
You can use either representation interchangably. The OkLCh representation is easier to work with, while the RGB representation is how colors are actually generated by computer screens. All colors also have an alpha value, which determines transparency. Various constructors allow creating colors
Color.oklch(0.5, 0.4, 0.degrees) // a vibrant red
Color.oklch(0.5, 0.4, 0.degrees, 0.5) // as above, but we also specify the alpha
Color.rgb(0, 0, 255) // pure blue
Color.rgb(0.uByte, 0.uByte, 255.uByte) // Using the UnsignedByte type
Color.rgb(0, 0, 255, 0.5) // Setting alpha
Color.rgb(0.uByte, 0.uByte, 255.uByte, 0.5.normalized) // Setting alpha
There are also constructors using the HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) color format, but it is preferred to use OkLCh.
Color.hsl(0.degrees, 0.4, 0.4) // A red color using HSL
On the Color object all the standard CSS colors are defined. Here are a few examples.
Color.steelBlue // Not to be confused with blue steel
You can also parse colors from CSS hex-color strings. For example:
val red = Color.fromHex("#f00")
val green = Color.fromHex("#00ff00")
val transparentBlue = Color.fromHex("#0f09")
There are additional color palettes in TailwindColors and CrayolaColors.
Working with Colors
There are many methods to transform colors, such as spin
, desaturate
, and so on. See the Color API for full details.
Transforming colors is where working with OkLCh colors really comes into its own.
OkLCh is designed for perceptual uniformity, meaning that colors with the same, say, lightness really do look like they have the same lightness.
This is not the case for colors specified using RGB or HSL.
For example, we can construct a gradient by changing only the hue of colors specified with both HSL and OkLCh.
This result is shown below, with the HSL gradient above the OkLCh gradient.
The OkLCh gradient is clearly smoother than than created using HSL.

A Point represents a location in the 2-D plane. We can construct points from cartesian (xy-coordinates) or polar (radius and angle) coordinates as shown below.
Point(1.0, 1.0) // cartesian coordinates
// res19: Point = Cartesian(x = 1.0, y = 1.0)
Point(1.0, 90.degrees) // polar coordinates
// res20: Point = Polar(r = 1.0, angle = Angle(1.5707963267948966))
No matter how we construct a Point
we can still access x- and y-coordinates or radius and angle.
val pt1 = Point(1.0, 0.0)
// pt1: Point = Cartesian(x = 1.0, y = 0.0)
// res21: Double = 1.0
// res22: Double = 0.0
// res23: Double = 1.0
// res24: Angle = Angle(0.0)
A Transform, in Doodle, represents an affine transform in two-dimensions. The easiest way to create a Transform
is via the methods on the Transform. Here are some examples.
Transform.scale(5.0, -2.0)
Transform.translate(10, 10)
A Transform
can be applied to a Point
to transform that point.
Transform.scale(5.0, -2.0)(Point(1,1))
// res28: Point = Cartesian(x = 5.0, y = -2.0)
// res29: Point = Cartesian(x = -0.9999999999999999, y = 1.0)
Transform.translate(10, 10)(Point(1,1))
// res30: Point = Cartesian(x = 11.0, y = 11.0)
can be composed together using the andThen
Transform.scale(5.0, -2.0).andThen(Transform.translate(10, 10))(Point(1,1))
// res31: Point = Cartesian(x = 15.0, y = 8.0)
Transform.scale(5.0, -2.0).translate(10, 10)(Point(1,1)) // Shorter version
// res32: Point = Cartesian(x = 15.0, y = 8.0)
A Vec represents a two-dimensional vector. You can construct Vecs
from cartesian (xy-coordinates) or polar (length and angle) coordinates, just like Point
Vec(0, 1)
// res33: Vec = Vec(x = 0.0, y = 1.0)
Vec(1, 90.degrees)
// res34: Vec = Vec(x = 6.123233995736766E-17, y = 1.0)