Gooey is a Scala library for creating user interfaces. It's goal is to make it very easy to build user interfaces that are good enough for most uses. The tradeoff is that Gooey only allows limited customization. Gooey is also cross platform. Gooey user interfaces can run on the web or on the JVM, and work with a variety of user interface toolkits.
Getting Started
To use Gooey, add the following to your build.sbt
resolvers ++= Resolver.sonatypeOssRepos("snapshots")
// Use this for JVM projects
libraryDependencies += "org.creativescala" %% "gooey-core" % "0.1-5b750bc-SNAPSHOT"
// Use this for Javascript / web projects, or projects targetting both the JVM and Javascript
libraryDependencies += "org.creativescala" %%% "gooey-core" % "0.1-5b750bc-SNAPSHOT"
You'll also need to add the particular backend you intend to use.
For the Calico backend:
libraryDependencies += "org.creativescala" %%% "gooey-calico" % "0.1-5b750bc-SNAPSHOT"
For the Swing backend:
libraryDependencies += "org.creativescala" %%% "gooey-swing" % "0.1-5b750bc-SNAPSHOT"
See the ScalaDoc index for API documentation.