Quick Start

In this section we'll go through a quick example that illustrates all the major features of Gooey.

To start using Gooey you need to import the core Gooey library, and a backend. Here I'll use the Calico backend, so I can render the interface right here on this page.

import gooey.component.*
import gooey.syntax.all.*
import gooey.calico.{*, given}
import gooey.calico.syntax.all.*
import calico.unsafe.given

Now we need to create our user interface. Let's say I'm building a pet rating application. I want the name of the pet, and a rating from 10 to 14. I can directly translate this into Gooey.

val petRatingUi =
    .withLabel("Pet name")
    .and(Slider(10, 14).withLabel("Rating"))

Now all I need to do is create my user interface with a specific backend, and then render the user interface.

val calicoUi = petRatingUi.create

Calling create builds a backend specific representation using whichever backend is in the given scope. In this case it's the Calico backend which we imported earlier. We then use a backend specific method, renderComponentToId, to create the UI in the webpage as the position of the element with the given id (in this case the id is ui). Finally we run UI, using the Calico specific operation unsafeRunAndForget.

With that all done, we end up with the masterpiece below.

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