
Terminus is a Scala 3 library for working with the terminal. Using Terminus you can build:

  • terminal applications that use the full ecosystem of the JVM;
  • small and fast binaries using Scala Native; and
  • terminal application that run in the browser using Scala.js.


To use Terminus, add the following to your build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "org.creativescala" %%% "terminus-core" % "0.4.0"


Import Terminus

import terminus.*

Now call methods on the Terminal object. The core methods are read and write, but there are also methods to change color, move the cursor, erase content, and so on. On most terminals you will need to call flush or your output won't appear. Wrap a call to run around your entire program. Here's a small example that prints green text.

Terminal.run {
  Terminal.format.bold {
    Terminal.foreground.green {
      Terminal.write("This is Terminus!")

This produces the following output.

See the Examples for more involved use cases.

Low-level Code

All the ANSI escape codes used by Terminus are defined in terminus.effect.AnsiCodes. This can be useful if you want to write escape codes directly to the terminal without the abstractions provided by the Terminus DSL. Here's a simple example.

import terminus.effect.AnsiCodes

// res1: String = "\u001b[31m"
// res2: String = "\u001b[2K"


You won't be able to run terminal programs from sbt if the JVM forks when running. That is, if you have the setting

run / fork := true

the forked JVM won't have access to a terminal and therefore any terminal programs will not work as expected.

Fansi may be a better choice if your only interest in styling output printed to a terminal.

Cue4s provides higher level abstractions for building UIs in the terminal.

Further Reading

The terminal is much more evolved than designed. I haven't been able to find a single document that describes all the features. Here are a few resources that I've found useful for piecing together how things should work:

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