An animation, in Doodle, in a sequence of Pictures
produced over time. Concretely, it is a fs2.Stream[IO, Picture[Alg, A]]
. You can create such a Stream
yourself, but Doodle provides tools that may be easier to work with:
Interpolation, which can be used when an animation depends on a range of values between some starting and ending point. For example, an animation of a moving ball can be created from an
between the minimum and maximum position of the ball. -
Transducer, which represents an animation in terms of some internal state, a function to convert that internal state into a
, and a function to update that internal state into a new state. This can be used for more complex animations that cannot be represented by anInterpolation
Using Animations
To use animations we'll need the following imports:
// The standard Doodle imports
import doodle.core.*
import doodle.syntax.all.*
// Animation specific imports
import doodle.interact.*
import doodle.interact.syntax.all.*
To do anything useful we'll also need a backend. Here are the imports for the Java2D backend:
import doodle.java2d.*
Here's an example animating a ball moving across the screen. This uses an Interpolation
, via the upTo
method, because the position of the ball is a simple function of a value in the range -100.0 to 100.0.
val ball =
.map(x =>
.at(x, 0.0)
This produces the animation below.